Good Night, Good Luck and Good Love

OK everyone, attention please. Find the table that matches your number, sit yourselves down and get chatting! When I ring the bell, ladies remain where you are, gentlemen move to the table to your left. Good luck and good love!

“Did she really just say good love? Sorry, I mean hello my name’s Darren and did she really just say good love?”

“Your badge gave you away and yes she did. Sorry, I mean hello my name’s Lucy which you probably already know now that I’ve given away my secret powers of name tag identification, your badge gave you away and yes she…you’re actually wearing a wedding ring. Of all the…”

“Hold on, I can explain.”

“This should be good.”

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The Return of Tri-Haiku Tuesday

I had so much fun with this last time I thought I’d have another go. Hope you enjoy them.

Running is big on my daily once agenda again as I seek to segue seamlessly from pleurisy recovery into running a marathon in less than ten weeks. I’m also a confused metric-imperialist. Combine those thoughts and you get my first poem.


Eight kilometres

Sounds far in the morning dark

Let’s call it five miles


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