
As the more observant amongst you may have deduced from my recent lack of output, I’ve been lacking storytelling inspiration for a little while.

The more cruel / honest amongst you might suggest that the most recent output that preceded said lack of output was also lacking storytelling inspiration but that’s just being mean / honest.

Personally the fact that I’ve already used lack and derivatives thereof approaching half a dozen times already tells it own story (The Lost Chronicles of King Lack and the Amulet of Paucity available in all good imaginary bookshops as well as some rubbish ones).

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The Return of Tri-Haiku Tuesday

I had so much fun with this last time I thought I’d have another go. Hope you enjoy them.

Running is big on my daily once agenda again as I seek to segue seamlessly from pleurisy recovery into running a marathon in less than ten weeks. I’m also a confused metric-imperialist. Combine those thoughts and you get my first poem.


Eight kilometres

Sounds far in the morning dark

Let’s call it five miles


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One Day Only

It seems to me that history is the new rock and roll. At least in the world of social media. My Facebook news feed is constantly filled up with Timehop posts, and while the odd one or two evoke an oooooh or an occasional where the hell did the time go the vast majority are tedious in the extreme.

This malaise has now spread to other apps. Today I got an email from RunKeeper letting me know that a year ago today I (and I quote) “totally crushed an awesome 10.1km run”.

Anyone who has seen me run will know that the only thing I totally crush in an awesome fashion is the wrapper on my RaceFood bar after about an hour of mid-pace plodding.

But hey. Being the upbeat, glass half full, silver lining (stop laughing) kind of guy that I am I thought I would enter into the spirit of things and find out some interesting facts about July 6th.

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