Tri-Haiku Tuesday – Medals

Three quick moments of inspiration. I hope you enjoy them.

Gold – for my parents who celebrated fifty years of marriage over the weekend

Silver – because…well silver’s just lovely

Bronze – for a friend I lost a quarter of a century ago


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How The Woodstock Dragon Saved Christmas

A little bit of Christmas fun from two years ago. There might be a sequel this year, you never know…


Up on the mountain near Woodstock’s dark cave

A few jumps to the left if you’re young and you’re brave

Is a lesser known place, a less obvious space

Where the odd buck or goat disappears without trace


Inside is a creature who’d give you a fright

His body is red and his eyes black as night

His snout shoots out smoke…

…and his roar is no joke

He’s Dai the Red Dragon (well known to Welsh folk)

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The Return of Tri-Haiku Tuesday

I had so much fun with this last time I thought I’d have another go. Hope you enjoy them.

Running is big on my daily once agenda again as I seek to segue seamlessly from pleurisy recovery into running a marathon in less than ten weeks. I’m also a confused metric-imperialist. Combine those thoughts and you get my first poem.


Eight kilometres

Sounds far in the morning dark

Let’s call it five miles


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Tri-Haiku Tuesday

This first one came to me while I was trying to outrun stress along the sea front earlier.

All this energy

Step upon step upon step

Just to fall asleep


The second one is about Rhys getting sick over the weekend.

Fever hits forty

Body burns in shaking rage

His feet are so cold!


And this final one is about…something I’m sure.

Fingers tightly clenched

‘Til pressure drives them apart

Love spills through the cracks


I have more but some thoughts are best left unshared or confined to a limited audience…

No bad jokes please about this blog already being a limited audience or that the three I just wrote down should have been left unshared as well. Good jokes on the other hand are always welcomed…


Every now and then I come across a form of writing or a word that sparks my brain. A couple of years ago I saw someone had written what they termed a drabble which I subsequently found out was a story of exactly 100 words. The idea intrigued me so I wrote a couple and I will probably write some more.

My latest fascination is with haiku poetry. I’m not qualified to explain it so you’ll need to rely on Google but the crux of it is that it’s a three line poem of a very specific structure that should reflect a way of looking at the physical world in a much deeper way than three lines should allow. In essence to write one in English it needs to have a 5-7-5 construct of syllables across the three lines.

So after a very long evening hammering away at a project plan I thought I’d have a crack. It will no doubt confirm my complete lack of understanding of how poetry of any form should be written, but I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Will planning prevail

Where chaos and stress abound?

The cost is too much.